Antibody Stabilizer TRIS Cat. No. #130
Antibody Stabilizer TRIS
Stabilizer for long-term storage of proteins and antibodies in solution stored at 4-8C.
Antibody Stabilizer conserves the structure of proteins and antibodies preventing them from losing functionality due to storage.
Just dissolve proteins or antibodies with Antibody Stabilizer and store in the refrigerator.
Allowing you to select the buffer base, which is optimal for your assay.
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Brand | CANDOR Bioscience |
Code | 130 125 |
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Assay Optimizers
Assay Defender® Cat. No. #180
LowCross-Buffer® Cat. No. #100
LowCross-Buffer® Cat. No. #101, #102
LowCross-Buffer® Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #300
Low-Cross-HRP® Cat. No. #200
LowCross® HRP-Stab Cat. No. #270
LowCross® HRP-Stab Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #370
Sample Buffer Cat. No. #105, #106
Sample Buffer Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #305
Covid-19 Inactivation and Dilution Buffer
SafetyTector™ S Cat. No. #400
The Blocking Solution Cat. No. #110
BSA-Block Cat. No. #115
PlateBlock™ Cat. No. #112
SmartBlock™ Cat. No. #113
Antibody Stabilizer TRIS Cat. No. #130
Antibody Stabilizer TRIS Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #330
Antibody Stabilizer PBS Cat. No. #131
Antibody Stabilizer PBS Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #331
AP-Protector® Cat. No. #235
Liquid Plate Sealer® Cat. No. #160
Liquid Plate Sealer® Animal-free Cat. No. #163
HRP-Protector™ Cat. No. #222
HRP-Protector™ Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #322
Standard Buffers (ready-made)
Coating Buffer pH 7.4 Cat. No. #120
Coating Buffer pH 9.6 Cat. No. #121
Stripping Buffer Cat. No. #150
Washing Buffer PBS Cat. No. #140
Washing Buffer PBS IHC Cat. No. #141
Washing Buffer TRIS Cat. No. #145
Washing Buffer TRIS IHC Cat. No. #146
Interference and HAMA problems
IVD technology article
Long-term stabilization of assay components
Optimisation of assays: Interference in immunoassays recognize and avoid
SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests: safety for less than 5 cents per test
Specificity, positive predictive value and validation statistics in the context of CoViD-19
The appropriate blocker — A short overview
The right strategy saves much costs