New: AP-Protector® Cat. No. #235

Ready-to-use; Dilution buffer for long-term storage of alkaline phosphatase (AP) conjugates. AP-Protector® is for AP-conjugates coupled to antibodies or Neutravidin/Streptavidin. For research use only, not for diagnostic use.

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Diluent for long-term storage of alkaline phosphatase conjugates 

AP-Protector® is a long-term stabilizer for alkaline phosphatase (AP) coupled to antibodies or Neutravidin/Streptavidin. AP-Protector® can give peroxidase conjugates the crucial long-term stability over several years even when stored in low concentrated ready-to-use dilutions. AP-Protector® can be used directly as an assay buffer for incubating the AP-conjugates. Typical ready-to-use concentrations for detection are between 100-1000 ng/mL. 

For research use only, not for diagnostic use

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Brand CANDOR Bioscience
Code 235 125

Product Flyers and Application Guides

Assay Optimizers
 Assay Defender® Cat. No. #180
 LowCross-Buffer® Cat. No. #100
 LowCross-Buffer® Cat. No. #101, #102
 LowCross-Buffer® Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #300
 Low-Cross-HRP® Cat. No. #200
 LowCross® HRP-Stab Cat. No. #270
 LowCross® HRP-Stab Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #370
 Sample Buffer Cat. No. #105, #106
 Sample Buffer Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #305

Covid-19 Inactivation and Dilution Buffer
 SafetyTector™ S Cat. No. #400

 The Blocking Solution Cat. No. #110
 BSA-Block Cat. No. #115
 PlateBlock™ Cat. No. #112   
 SmartBlock™ Cat. No. #113

 Antibody Stabilizer TRIS Cat. No. #130
 Antibody Stabilizer TRIS Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #330
 Antibody Stabilizer PBS Cat. No. #131
 Antibody Stabilizer PBS Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #331
 AP-Protector® Cat. No. #235
 Liquid Plate Sealer® Cat. No. #160
 Liquid Plate Sealer® Animal-free Cat. No. #163
 HRP-Protector™ Cat. No. #222
 HRP-Protector™ Animal-free/Protein-free Cat. No. #322

Standard Buffers (ready-made)
 Coating Buffer pH 7.4 Cat. No. #120
 Coating Buffer pH 9.6 Cat. No. #121
 Stripping Buffer Cat. No. #150
 Washing Buffer PBS Cat. No. #140
 Washing Buffer PBS IHC Cat. No. #141
 Washing Buffer TRIS Cat. No. #145
 Washing Buffer TRIS IHC Cat. No. #146


Interference and HAMA problems
 IVD technology article
 Long-term stabilization of assay components
 Optimisation of assays: Interference in immunoassays recognize and avoid 
 SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests: safety for less than 5 cents per test 
 Specificity, positive predictive value and validation statistics in the context of CoViD-19
The appropriate blocker — A short overview
 The right strategy saves much costs